A 'must haves' list for what to keep in your baby first aid kit
Do you have children in the home?
A good, simple first aid kit is essential, and one that is specific for children.
Medications for children are based off their weight and/or age depending on the drug. Because of this, standard adult medication generally cannot be used on children under 12 years of age. So you need to ensure you have a seperate medical kit for kids.
So what should you stock on your kit? Here is what I recommend.
Thermometer - axillary (under the arm) or tympanic (in the ear). See my post on the different thermometers and which one to choose for your family.
Paracetamol for babies/children
Ibuprofen for babies/children
Gripe water for infants - such a great herbal medication to keep on hand for new parents! It relieves symptoms of colic and gas and can be used from 1 month old.
Fess saline nose spray with added suction bulb - perfect for the early days after birth if they have mucous and are congested, and for any times when your little ones catch a cold or get a blocked nose. Spray prior to feeds and suction out any excess mucous to help clear those nasal passages.
Hot/Cold pack - these ones are great form body.ice for kids https://bodyice.com/collections/bodyice-kids
Bandaids - grab some cute character ones. They work as a fantastic placebo
Steri strips (also known as butterfly strips)
Cotton wool balls
Don't forget to keep the kit out of reach and in a locked cupboard, away from the curious minds of little ones.
Have I missed something that you found useful to keep in your kit? Let me know below!